Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Hello there!
Well,I have decided to move to another site.
Experimented with other sites and I find the one I just chose more suitable:)
Definitely loved it here,sharing stuff and all.

Just moving over to:
Love you guys.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Something for me to think about.

Hello there. 
As you can see by the dates, those times I have posted, well, my posts... 
Frankly I find it really hard to get my feelings on this blog.. It gets scarily weird that some people know how I feel and know what's in me. Truth be told, I find it so difficult to be myself here. Even i real life. I want to remove this mask that's on,well,the many masks I must say. 
Being free to be myself. 
It's something I desire for.I must learn. 
I do have a journal that I keep,that I love writing in,well,yeah,the true me is revealed there..
But I have decided. There are many things that need to come out and open, that's one reason I started this blog. 
So,here goes. Abby being Abby here. 
And as time goes, things will change, more things will be revealed. 
My one true love and my vision will be my God. 

Time to surrender.
The Lord is my strength. I shall not be in want.

Psalm 139 v 23,24

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
   test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Firstly,do I mean this prayer? Do I really want to be searched fully? 
Or do I just say the prayer cause it's just a verse? 
Well,so many things in me that I have to deal with and give up. 
Just so unworthy. 
Holy Spirit,I have pushed You away. Pushed you aside and gone all dry. 
Being tested? 
I asked for it and boom,there I go, falling back. 
And like in the skit, I blame you for everything. For revealing myself. 
Anxious thoughts?
Well,these thoughts of mine. Also,like in the skit, I see all those stuff about me that I just need to give up and let go.Too much of wicked me. And just need to surrender. 
Today,yeah,I definitely saw how much this verse did show and be so real. 
Giving up of all these sick and yuck stuff in me. I thank You for bringing me through this afternoon.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
   and lead me in the way everlasting.
Well, there are many offensive ways in me. 
That are just so unclean and hidden and these sins just consume me,inside and that's why everyone sees the fake Abby. And I portray the mask and the face to the Holy Spirit Himself and go,ah,everything;s fine. All good? Really? 
Lord, I ask for forgiveness. I have broken Your heart so many times. 
But You still love me and You would never let me go,thank You. I am utterly grateful and I just know what else to say?
I want to give my all and surrender everything to You. 
And fall in love with You.

I want a relationship with you. Not a ritual or a chore like how I have treated my walk with You so far. 
Committing and giving back myself to You,today,now! 

Thank you,Lord. 

May you be blessed by this video and may it minister to your heart. It may contain crazy amount of jokes. But open ears and your heart to the word that's being portrayed.
Be so blessed.


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hello you!

Hello you,yeah,hehe,you!

Good day! 
Hope you're oh so well! 
Coating my writing with a little bit of coffee. 

Happy Belated Christmas people!
Happy New Year darlings!
(sorry for my late wishing)

Had a pretty interesting day. Hmmm.
Was pretty intrigued with happenings around me. 
Classes has been treating me very well. I like that. 
No time to waste. No money to waste. 
Get your life sorted out,dear Abby. 
Get your resolutions done. 

Watched the movie 'Atonement'. 
Oh dear. It was just incredibly intense and it just escalates from then on. 

The passion. The rage. The hurt. The heartache. The love. The honesty. The dishonesty. The forgiveness. The search. The letter. The infatuation. Oh,not forgetting The library.  
The death. 
How did it end? 
The ending made me cry and just rethinking the moments in those scenes,the seconds. 
Incredible. You watch it:)One of my best movies. 
It would be splendid if I had the novel on the book. 

Well,goodnight people.
Sleep well. 
Much love,